It is tempting to try and save a little bit of money when you know that one or two of the rooms in your house need some serious refurbishment work doing to them. Sometimes, for smaller renovation projects in London, it might be worth taking it on yourself if you are competent and skilled in project management and know what you are doing. However, it might be a lot less stressful and rewarding, as well as getting the job faster and consider whether it would be better to use a professional renovation company to get your refurbishment completed on time and on budget.
There are a few serious advantages to having a team of building professionals who have carried out several residential property renovations in conservation areas and if appropriate, on listed buildings. There are other posts on this in our advice section. It is probably sensible to kick off discussion with the difference in quality you should expect from professionals compared to doing it on your own.
Professional craftsmen and trades working for a reputable design and build company will have plenty of practical experience in carrying out a property renovation such as yours. With an excellent breadth of skills and building talent related to each aspect of the renovation process. Is that something you can compete with? Really? Try and answer the question honestly. You don’t want to have to call in the professionals at a later date if you come across problems you don’t have the expertise to overcome. If you have really made a mess of it, you could end up costing yourself considerably more than you set out to.
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